Mike Savage of New Canaan & His Collections
All work and no play makes Mike Savage of New Canaan, CT a dull man.
That’s why Michael Savage of 1-800-Accountant enjoys his personal collections to take a healthy break from his busy business life.
1-800-Accoutant, led by partner and CEO Brendon Pack, is a virtual accounting firm that helps small businesses achieve five-star accounting services through innovative technology. Mike Savage, in his spare time, enjoys many unusual and interesting hobbies.
Consider these pastimes…
Savage of New Canaan enjoys a deep appreciation for classic muscle cars, Lego collections and building intricate Koi ponds.
As a master collector, Michael Savage of New Canaan, CT also focuses on unique art collectibles. His robust collection of pristine Michael Jordan sneakers featuring all designs from number one through number 37 is an eccentric collection of one of a kind sneaker art unparalleled by most niche collectors.
In addition, Mike Savage, deeply appreciates the art of Japanese artist Ushio Shinohara, whose unique boxing art has been highly acclaimed and greatly admired since the 1960s.
About Mike Savage of New Canaan, CT
Mike Savage is the CEO of 1-800 Accountant, a virtual accounting firm that is redefining small business accounting services through innovative technology. Through his diligent and passionate work, Mike was the 2018 recipient of the Glassdoor Top CEOs award.
Before that, Savage of New Canaan, graduated from Brigham Young University’s School of Accountancy and began his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he served as a consultant working on high profile investigation cases for the PWC’s fraud division. He consulted on financial statements and earnings restatements for multiple Fortune 500 companies.
Savage of New Canaan, CT, recognized that many businesses could also benefit from the same top shelf level of service that he provided his clients.
Thus, 1-800 Accountant began. Mike Savage had his focus on eliminating bookkeeping and tax preparation stress. 1-800 Accountant is one of the largest small business accounting firms in the nation, boasting more than 200,000 businesses as clients.
Mike Savage of New Canaan, Connecticut has often been seen in the media including an appearance on Fox & Friends and in Money magazine.

Mike Savage Helps Fight Poverty in Honduras
Far more important than Michael Savage’s eccentric hobbies are his relief efforts along with his wife Sandra to help impoverished children and families in Honduras.
Through their benevolent aid foundation, Sandra and Mike Savage in New Canaan solicit donations from the general public that they send to families in need in Sandra’s home country of Honduras.
The Savage-Rivera Foundation collects necessary supplies like clothes, books, toys, games and other home necessities and ships these goods to needy families in Honduras.
Click here to read more about this important foundation and learn how you can help.
Additional Media Links
- Consumer Reports – IRS Loosens Tax Penalty for Millions
- NASDAQ – Pay yourself first? Last is how small biz often works
- NPR Marketplace – IRS warns taxpayers to check on their withholding
- Reuters – Your Money: Pay yourself first? Last is how small biz often works
- US News & World Report – How to Invest When You Owe the IRS
- USA Today – Worried about getting a tax refund? When should you hire a pro to do your